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d.ASH Nav supports custom scripting by the user, allowing the user to edit what functions are called at certain waypoints. The way d.ASH Nav allows for this is through it's own scripting API.


clearMission() Clears all current missions Parameters
Name description
setMissionName(string missionName, bool upload) Creates new mission, call before any mission is run Parameters
Name description
missionName Name of mission
upload Upload status to cloud (Default: False)


endWaypoint() Command issued to end autonomous movement. Must be the last action called if waypoint3D is used Parameters
Name description
waypoint3D(int seg, float x, float y, float z) Makes robot move to a specific coordinate on a map Parameters
Name description
seg Segment of path. Set as zero
x X coordinate on the map
y Y coordinate on the map
z Z coordinate on the map (Height)
capture(int camID) Takes an image for camera specified in camID Parameters
Name description
camID ID of camera used
capturePano(string fileName) Takes a panoramic image and saves it as fileName.jpg Parameters
Name description
fileName Name of file
DockingAction(bool isDockOn) EXPERIMENTAL | BOSDYN SPOT ONLY | Pauses robot movement and docks robot Parameters
Name description
isDockOn If docking is supported on the robot
AutoDocking(bool isDockOn) Pauses robot movement and docks robot Parameters
Name description
isDockOn If docking is supported on the robot
pause(int dur) Pauses robot movement for dur seconds Parameters
Name description
dur Time in seconds to pause the robot for
scanRTC(string jobName, int res, bool enableImaging, bool enableDoubleScan, bool enableVis) Sets robot to scan using Leica™ RTC360 at a selected waypoint Parameters
Name description
jobName Name of scan job
res Resolution of scan
enableImaging Whether to scan with colour (imaging)
enableDoubleScan Enable Leica™ Double scan
enableVis Enable Leica™ Visual Inertial System
scanBLK(string jobName, int res, int imgQly, bool stream) Sets robot to scan using Leica™ BLK360 at a selected waypoint Parameters
Name description
jobName Name of scan job
res Resolution of scan
imgQly Image quality to scan at
stream Enable streaming of files to d.ASH Xplorer
scanARC(bool isStart) Sets robot to scan using Leica™ BLK ARC at a selected waypoint Parameters
Name description
isStart Start or stop scanning