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Configuring Sensors

2.1 Velodyne Driver

2.1.1 Setting Up on Sensor

By default, the Velodyne LIDAR sensor IP address is factory set on default value The d.ASH SDK will assume the default Velodyne IP address.

2.1.2 Setting Up on Personal Computer

You'll need to configure a static IP address for your computer to use an address within the range 192.168.1.XXX where XXX may be any integer from 2 to 254, except 201 (which is the LIDAR’s IP). For example, an appropriate static IP address for your compute could be

2.1.3 Testing Velodyne Sensors

Now, let's test your lidar sensors. To test the Velodyne VLP-16 lidar sensor, run the following command:

cd dash_sdk/launch
roslaunch autonomy_velodyne.launch
Finally, to check if the ROS messages are published correctly, in another terminal, run the following command:
rostopic echo /velodyne_points

2.2 Ouster Driver

2.2.1 Setting Up on Sensor

By default, the Ouster LIDAR sensor IP address is factory set on your IPv6/IPv4 link-local address. The addresses lie within the block to To change the static IP address for Ouster, refer to the Ouster Documentation. It is recommended to set up your own static IP address.

2.2.2 Setting Up on Personal Computer

You'll need to configure a static IP address for your computer to use an address within the range 192.0.2.XXX where XXX may be any integer from 2 to 254. For example, an appropriate static IP address for your compute could be

2.1.3 Testing Ouster Sensors

To test the Ouster OS1-32 lidar sensor, run the following command:

cd dash_sdk/launch
roslaunch autonomy_ouster.launch
Finally, to check if the ROS messages are published correctly, in another terminal, run the following command:
rostopic echo /velodyne_points