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Auto Configuration

This section of the d.ASH SDK documentation provides details about the configuration file for the robot - auto_config.json - found in the folder \dash-sdk\configs. Information in this section includes variable and definitions to configure autonomy.

4.1 Config File

    "py_address"                            : "",
    "ue_address"                            : "",
    "ssl"                                   : true,
    "motion_planner"                        : true,
    "localization"                          : true,
    "sim_mode"                                : false,
    "send_data_gui"                         : true,
    "camera"                                : "RealsenseCam",
    "retrieveImg"                           : false,
    "map_name"                              : "office_lvl4",
    "pc_topic"                              : "velodyne_points",
    "odom_topic"                            : "odom",

        "linear_window"                     : 0.5,
        "linear_min_v"                      : 0.0,
        "linear_max_v"                      : 0.8,
        "angular_max_w"                     : 3.142,
        "linear_max_a"                      : 1.0,
        "angular_max_a"                     : 5.0,
        "robot_width"                       : 0.4,
        "robot_length"                      : 1.0,
        "obstacle_cost_gains"               : 3.0,
        "speed_cost_gains"                  : 1.0,
        "goal_cost_gains"                   : 4.0,
        "angular_speed_cost_scaling_factor" : 0.1,
        "linear_num_window_steps"           : 50,
        "angular_num_window_steps"          : 30,
        "prediction_window"                 : 5.0,
        "costmap_size"                      : 20.0,
        "costmap_scale"                     : 0.1,
        "max_pc_height"                     : 0.2,
        "min_pc_height"                     : -0.5,
        "x_filter"                          :[-0.2, 0.2],
        "y_filter"                          :[-0.1, 0.1],
        "costmap_obs_inflation"             : 1.0,
        "occ_obs_deadzone"                  : 0.2,
        "dt"                                : 0.1,
        "visualise"                         : false
        "initial_x"                         : -7.7, 
        "initial_y"                         : -14.5, 
        "initial_z"                         : 1.0, 
        "initial_w"                         : -0.177,     
        "kImuTopic"                         : "imu", 
        "kPoseTopic"                        : "mcl_pose",
        "ktfUpdate"                         : 0.02,
        "kStatusUpdate"                     : 1.0,
        "kLoggingUpdate"                    : 15.0,
        "kposeDiffmax"                      : 5.0, 
        "KUse_imu_ori"                      : false,
        "kBadCovThres"                      : 2.0,
        "kGoodCovThres"                     : 0.7,
        "kCovBadMax"                        : 10, 
        "kCovGoodtMax"                      : 5,
        "kFilter_z"                         : true,
        "klimit_min"                        : -0.3,
        "klimit_max"                        : 5.0 
        "lookAheadIndex"                    : 15,
        "enable_self_rotate"                : false,
        "self_rotation_speed"               : 0.5,
        "self_rotation_speed_final"         : 0.3,
        "dis_threshold"                     : 0.5,
        "theta_threshold"                   : 0.2,
        "cmd_Smoothing"                     : true,

4.2 Definitions

4.2.1 Main

Variable Definition
py_address The address of the d.ASH server in the formal <IP>:<PORT>.
ue_address The address of the GUI server in the formal <IP>:<PORT>.
ssl Enables secure SSL messaging and encryption.
motion_planner Enables autonomy motion planning.
localization Enables robot localisation, returning users position and orientation in relation to map.
sim_mode Enables Spot odometry retrieval.
send_data_gui Enables ability to send data to GUI server for visualisation.
camera Camera active for the current session to retrieve data ie. RealsenseCam, TestCam.
retrieveImg Enables image retrieval.
map_name Map name used for autonomy (as mentioned in File Organisation).
pc_topic ROS point cloud topic name for subscribing
odom_topic ROS odometry topic name for subscribing.

4.2.2 Controller

For the following parameters, ensure the value is within limits of the robot as per its documentation.

Variable Definition
linear_window Sets DWA (dynamic window approach) size.
linear_min_v Sets minimum linear velocity for autonomy.
linear_max_v Sets maximum linear velocity for autonomy.
angular_max_w Sets maximum angular velocity for autonomy.
linear_max_a Sets maximum linear acceleration for autonomy.
angular_max_a Sets maximum angular acceleration for autonomy.
robot_width Reflects width of robot.
robot_length Reflects the length of robot.
obstacle_cost_gains Sets weight for an obstacle course based on the weighted sum of the map.
speed_cost_gains Sets weight for speed cost.
goal_cost_gains Sets weight for goal cost.
angular_speed_cost_scaling_factor Sets weight for angular velocity. Note that a higher value of the variable discourages the robot from turning.
linear_num_window_steps Sets number of linear velocity values to consider. Note that a higher value of the variable slows down the computations.
angular_num_window_steps Sets number of angular velocity values to consider. Note that a higher value of the variable slows down the computations.
prediction_window Sets prediction horizion (in seconds). Note that a higher value of the variable slows down the computations.
costmap_size Sets local costmap size (in meters).
costmap_scale Sets scale to convert map from meter to pixels.
max_pc_height Sets maximum point cloud height to be considered as an obstacle.
min_pc_height Sets minimum point cloud height to be considered as an obstacle. Note that the point cloud height is measured from the center of the lidar. If the ground is detected, it will be considered as an obstacle. Therefore, set the minimum value to be above the ground.
x_filter Sets vector of size 2 consisting the minimum and maximum x-value of point cloud to be removed. Do not remove too much from the point cloud filter as obstacles around the robot might not be considered.
y_filter Sets vector of size 2 consisting the minimum and maximum y-value of point cloud to be removed. Do not remove too much from the point cloud filter as obstacles around the robot might not be considered.
costmap_obs_inflation Sets inflation radius of obstacles to be considered in planning. Note that a higher value of the variable results in more conservative planning.
occ_obs_deadzone Sets minimum distances from obstacles and robots for autonomy.
dt Sets timestep. Note that a higher timestamp slows down the computation.
visualise Enables visualisation of costmap. This is used only for debugging.

4.2.3 State Estimator

Variable Definition
initial_x Sets initialization of x-axis for localizaition (in meters).
initial_y Sets initialization of y-axis for localizaition (in meters).
initial_z Sets initialization of z-axis for localizaition (in meters).
initial_w Sets initialization of orientation for localizaition.
kImuTopic ROS IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) topic name for subscribing.
kPoseTopic Enables localization result.
ktfUpdate Sets ROS tf publishing frequency.
kStatusUpdate Sets localisation status of publishing frequency.
kLoggingUpdate Sets data logging period.
kposeDiffmax Sets the maximum distance between two consecutive pose estimation.
KUse_imu_ori Enables IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) or odom orientation for odometry estimation. If this variable is set to true, ensure kImuTopic is available.
kBadCovThres Sets localization quality.
kGoodCovThres Sets localization quality.
kCovBadMax Sets localization quality.
kCovGoodtMax Sets localization quality.
kFilter_z Enables pass through filter application for localization.
klimit_min Sets minimum range of pass through filter.
klimit_max Sets maximum range of pass through filter.

4.2.4 Planner

Variable Definition
lookAheadIndexv Sets look-ahead index from the nearest waypoint for path to follow. Note that a lower index slows down the movement of the robot. Similarly, a higher index results in the robot not follow path properly.
enable_self_rotate Enables one round of rotation around the robot itself before performing autonomy. This is to ensure that localisation is working before starting autonomy.
self_rotation_speed Sets angular velocity of robot to turn around itself before performing autonomy (in radiants/second).
self_rotation_speed_final Sets angular velocity of robot to turn around itself after performing autonomy (in radiants/second). This ensures that the final orientation of robot aligns with its goal.
dis_threshold Sets maximum euclidean distance from the robot to the final goal for destination to be considered having reached its goal. Note that a smaller threshold discourages the robot from determing if it has reached its goal.
theta_threshold Sets maximum orientation distance from the robot to the final goal for destination to be considered having reached its goal. Note that a smaller threshold discourages the robot from determing if it has reached its goal.
cmd_Smoothing Enables smoothing control commands.